Vessel Megadora Thin Shank Screwdriver No. 910 (Slotted 3 x 100) 125747

£3.64 (excluding VAT)


Model Tip THKmm Shank LGmm Shank O/Dmm Grip O/Dmm Overall Lengthmm Inner C/T Outer C/T Code No.

910(Slotted 3 x 100)

Slotted 3 0.4 100 3 21 178 12 120 125747

(Slotted 3 x 100)

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

Easy-to-use flagship screwdrivers

* Precision type with 3 mm diameter shank.
* Black point tip, unaffected by the plating thickness.


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Vessel Megadora Thin Shank Screwdriver No. 910 (Slotted 3 x 100) 125747
£3.64 (excluding VAT)
Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+